From the 4th WPRF: Listening is essential for sustainable relationship building
Sustainable Communication doesn’t work without listening. This is surely one of the outtakes of the 4th World Public Relations Festival held in Cape Town, South Africa.
global discussion. local perspectives.
Sustainable Communication doesn’t work without listening. This is surely one of the outtakes of the 4th World Public Relations Festival held in Cape Town, South Africa.
The dynamic and effective Ceo of the Institute for Public Relations has agreed to join prconversations. Excellent news, so we add yet another member to our group representing the US.
How do we keep business on this comeback trail? Public relations will play a critical role in the process. How do PR professionals help business remain trusted?
If I had ten savvy CEO’s from the private, public and social sectors of the economy around a table and, at a certain point of our conversation, I asked them: ‘amongst the following three challenges you face today, which -in your opinion-is the one which deserves your priority attention?’ ……and the three challenges were: °identify, attract, retain and capitalize talent; °improve the quality of management decisions and accelerate their time of implementation; °effectively integrate the...
The only thing that I regret is not having been able to understand (because of the lack of an english translation) of three and one half presentations (out of nine!) which unfortunately were in the Russian language (the Russian one of course, Belarus, Polish and half of the Latvian one). However the ones I was able to understand (English, Italian, Lithuanian, Ukrainan and German one) were well worth it.
Many will remember Elizabeth Browning’s lovely poem…
“A new blog is created about once every two seconds. New videos are posted to YouTube even more frequently. Virtually everyone with a computer (98%) goes on line to search for information before making a purchase. Video search is taking over text search as the most popular form of searching. Politicians, marketers, and individuals are embracing new forms of social networking…at unprecedented levels.”
I have just come across a highly interesting read from Iranian scholar Mehdi Mohsenian Rad, Ph.D. on Globalization, Culture and Message Bazaar. Please take a break, its tough reading but well worth it. You can link here