Why don't PR Awards walk the talk on evaluation?

The Barcelona Declaration of Measurement Principles for public relations have been discussed and even endorsed by professional bodies and industry publications around the world – but there’s little evidence of “walking the talk” if you look at the Award programmes they run. In particular, use of AVE is neither prohibited nor penalised whilst a lack of clear, measurable objectives (ideally based on research) as noted in a post by Sean Williams, compounds the limitations of...

Time for the truth about journalism

“Journalism is just ditchwater”, a quote attributed to Carlyle in 1881, contrasts with the claims of modern journalists who believe they play a critical role in society as the Fourth Estate following in the footsteps of the investigative power evidenced in the Watergate saga.  It is this idea of the power of the media that has appealed to PR practitioners, who have traditionally looked to journalists as influencers, gate-keepers and agenda setters.  From this lofty...

In just one book – Global Public Relations: spanning borders, spanning cultures

Global Public Relations: spanning borders, spanning cultures   Review by Toni Muzi Falconi I’ve now been teaching Global Relations and Intercultural Communication at New York University’s Master’s in Public Relations for five years, including reviewing my (ever-changing) syllabus involving some 150 students to date. From the very beginning, as mandatory course books I have opted to use the Vercic and Sriramesh’a Global Public Relations Handbook (edition 1, and then 2), in tandem with the fundamental Post, Preston, Sachs’ book. Redefining...

Public relations should embrace not deny its marketing links

Many people think that PR is a subset of marketing – they are wrong [See this classic: ToughSledding post/comments if you don’t agree].  But so are those working in PR who seek to put great distance between what they do and marketing.  The denial of the close relationship with marketing which is necessary in most organisations (including the not for profit and public sectors) fails to recognise the reality of the majority of PR practice. ...

The big question: What is PR?

In May 2008, Catherine Arrow produced a useful edited publication: What is PR? which brought together a range of posts from PR Conversation touching on the “big question” that seems to be of eternal interest to practitioners, academics and of course, students.  Toni Muzi Falconi commenting on two recent events recommends re-reading this document.  He writes: The Bled Symposium this year was not up to the excellent standards that I am accustomed to expect from its organizers.  But this...

Free book download: Institutionalising Public Relations and Corporate Communication

Securing a place for PR at the top table is an ongoing discussion topic – and the concept of institutionalising public relations and corporate communication was a key theme on PR Conversations during the International Congress of Euprera at Milan at the end of 2008.  The proceedings of this event are now available as book chapters to download free at http://www.hpe.pearson.it/euprera2008