When two in an organization share the same opinion, one is too many? Is the one-company-one voice paradigm obsolete because of diversity and social media??

May we still claim that public relations is effective when an organization is able to perform the traditional and consolidated one company-one voice paradigm? Or has the growing convergence between the concepts of diversity and social media shattered this widely held stereotype in our professional community? I tried to raise this issue in my last post, but stimulated no reactions.

Pangloss and Cassandra from Istanbul. What’s ahead? What impact onPublic Relations Associations?

Thanks to Margaretha Sjoberg’s leadership, current Chair of Cerp (the Confederation of European public relations associations, today a substantial and active part of the Global Alliance); and to the warm and friendly hospitality of our colleagues and friends from the Turkish PR Association, the Cerp Board held the other day in Istanbul a lively discussion on where the profession might be in five years time and what associations should therefore be doing today to accelerate...

About this ‘country reputation’ fad after last week’s summit in Washington and the coming one in London..maybe the World Bank has got it right?

Last week in Washington DC, 150 Senior Public Relations Professionals -from as many powerful private US corporations- gathered by the PR Coalition (an organization which comprises many American professional associations representing overall some 50 thousand members), met with the leaders of the State Department to discuss how enhancing joint programs between public and private sector may help in improving the world reputation of the United States (Copyright 2007 HT Media Ltd final.doc)..

Public Relations in Iran! Here is the opinion of Shameem Abdul Jalil, President of the Institute of Public Relations and director of Corporate Communication Public Bank of Malaysia

I had met Shameem in 2004 when she represented her Institute at the World Pr Festival in Trieste. We haven’t seen each other since, but I remember very well her enthusiasm and desire to change. I have just received this article she wrote for the New Straits Times. Take a look and express your point of view..