Networks and mentors, workplace similarities and differences, complete a cross-border PR adventure

Final installment of a three-part global public relations narrative and adventure, from agency Australia to in-house Germany By Katie Sheppet Communication contacts and networks In part I and part II, I related communication contacts and groupings I was privy to at Allianz. In this final chapter I’m sharing external networking and mentor relationships that were going on behind the scenes. Prior to my departure, I had Edelman support from Grant Smith, general manager of Edelman...

The Melbourne Mandate: A professional beacon for PR

By Jean Valin, APR, FCPRS and Daniel Tisch, APR, FCPRS The last few years have witnessed a variety of successful global efforts to build consensus amongst public relations professionals and academics on the profession’s role and value to organizations, as well as to society. The most recent process, the Melbourne Mandate, was co-created by some 1,000 people from 30 countries over the course of a year, and then unanimously adopted in November 2012 by more...

Refreshing the PR advocacy platform through the Melbourne Mandate 2012

With only a couple of weeks to go before the Global Alliance’s World Public Relations Forum (WPRF) kicks off, I was reminded of Heather Yaxley’s post around this time last year on relationship advice for PR practitioners. More than 700 delegates from every continent will be meeting in Australia and part of the agenda will include a robust discussion on the Melbourne Mandate, designed to build on the Stockholm Accords agreed to at WPRF 2010....

Who has seen the future of PR? (updated)

Guest post by Jean Valin, APR, FCPRS Who has seen the future of PR? Updated 6/22/2012 For PR Conversations readers, here is an update on this GA project which was generously supported by Enel–the Italian energy company. The study was customized to suit their needs. We conducted in-depth interviews with the heads of communication from Allianz (based in Munich), Philips (based in Amsterdam), Enel (ITaly), Novo Nordisk (Copenhagen and Petrobras (Rio de Janeiro). We also...