Public diplomacy, soft power and sociological globalism: where they integrate with public relations.
While in Lisbon last week I met Gregory Payne, with whom I had the privilege to share the panel at the conference.
global discussion. local perspectives.
While in Lisbon last week I met Gregory Payne, with whom I had the privilege to share the panel at the conference.
How does one approach the issue of stakeholder relationship management (or, better, governance..) from an operative perspective? This is the basic question which scholar Tom Watson from Bournemouth University in the UK, recently posted on his blog
For public relations practitioners who include strategic or tactile media relations in their job responsibilities, there was an interesting announcement last week about the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s new partnership with Technorati.
My good and esteemed friend, Jack O’Dwyer, has overturned yet another rug from the dainty sitting room in which our professional community enjoys talking to herself in the mirror in the most onanistic of behaviours (not that, as bloggers, we act differently…) and the air does not smell so good…. Just in case, according to Wikipedia, Onan is a person described in the book of Genesis in the Hebrew Bible. The word onanism, an older...
The best piece news I have to report from Cape Town is that Colin Farrington from the CIPR is the new Chair of the see recent interviewGlobalAlliance, while my young co-blogger Joao Duarte from Lisbon (link to authors of this blog to see references and read his posts) is now the first part time employee of that organization.
If I had ten savvy CEO’s from the private, public and social sectors of the economy around a table and, at a certain point of our conversation, I asked them: ‘amongst the following three challenges you face today, which -in your opinion-is the one which deserves your priority attention?’ ……and the three challenges were: °identify, attract, retain and capitalize talent; °improve the quality of management decisions and accelerate their time of implementation; °effectively integrate the...
The only thing that I regret is not having been able to understand (because of the lack of an english translation) of three and one half presentations (out of nine!) which unfortunately were in the Russian language (the Russian one of course, Belarus, Polish and half of the Latvian one). However the ones I was able to understand (English, Italian, Lithuanian, Ukrainan and German one) were well worth it.
Many will remember Elizabeth Browning’s lovely poem…
How would you feel if your personal file on a reporter went public? And what could happen if this reporter was doing a piece on one of your organisation’s Transparency initiatives and got to read this file? How would you react?
Public relations pioneer was renowned trailblazer for his contributions in setting national standards for PR ethics and practice, creative solutions to complex challenges, and helping herald high tech in communications, while supporting numerous important causes.