Research report on sustainability reporting in Canada

Earlier this week Benita Steyn asked me if I knew of any research relating to “enterprise strategy in Canada,” for use in her current research. Although information on that specific area seems light on the ground at this stage, I did recall the detailed research report conducted two years ago by our national body, the Certified General Accountants Association of Canada. From its June 7, 2005, media release: “There is a widely recognized global movement...

Thoughts from Geneva and from Bled: “Business will change the world because it can and it must”

There I was in Bled taking part in a wonderful conference on “Environmental Citizenship Through Communication: Trends, Challenges and Solutions” when I received an extraordinary e-mail from John Plauszek (Ambassador at Large for the Global Alliance) who was taking part in the “2007 United Nations Global Compact Leaders Summit: Facing Realities; Getting Down to business”, described by organizers as “history’s largest and most significant event on the toic of leadership and corporate citizenship”.

Internal communication as part of nationbuilding in government

I was recently summonsed to the Presidency in Pretoria to come and assess their “internal communication”. It struck me – once again – that even in the highest order of government – the concept of internal communication is totally forgotten. Nobody – except for the newly-appointed head of the section – had any idea of the concept of internal communication or why it might be important. The question that came up: If the government of a...