The European Communication Monitor study has put it clearly: for public relations professionals in Europe, Internal Communication and change management is the fastest growing area in terms of importance. It will grow to become the third most important discipline by 2011, according to the same study .
Maybe because of it’s value to help addressing what PR professionals consider their number one issue “Linking Business strategy with communication”(45,4%). After that, “Dealing with sustainable development and social responsibility” (41,3%) and “Coping with the digital evolution and the social web” (38,5%) appear as the other top concerns.
Interestingly, another recent report by the European Association of Communication Directors (the European Communication Report) identifies as the top three issues in communications “CSR” (29,1%), “Globalisation” (25,7%), “Media Pluralism” (17,8%). Despite the different methodologies used, these are significant differences that you might want to comment on.
The same study states that communication professionals are not clearly supportive of a EU-wide certification standard for communication professionals but a majority (64%) supports the idea of a EU certification standard for qualification institutions. I would imagine this is good news for professional associations and certainly a number which might indicate a great potential to grow their current membership.
Your views?
As a member of the SR LINK Editorial Board, I would be interested in hearing more analysis regarding the 29.1% of communications directors who list CSR as a top-three concern.
Is the concern over a lack of resources to communicate effectively about CSR? A perceived lack of interest within company leadership about CSR? Something else?
SR LINK launched last month as a source for information and conversation regarding SR. Perhaps you could refer communications directors to this site, where they could share their thoughts and/or concerns?