Writings On The Wall

A twitterwall is a tool, nothing else. Don’t blame the twitterwall for all the stupid things that might appear on it. Used prudently, twitterwalls can add a lot of value to your event, conference etc. And it’s not exactly rocket science to do it right. Here are a couple of suggestions:

Public relations needs more than digital natives

Whether you call it digital PR, online PR, or social media (SM) relations – public relations practitioners are being told they must enter this “brave new world”, embrace the “revolution” and engage with “new influencers” at every turn.  With a religious fervour, the gurus and advocates are now on overdrive in promoting technological solutions to assist organisations in monitoring, managing and evaluating every aspect of their public relations.  If your organisation, brand, campaign, or significant...

Semantic Web – Not Our Business?

The Semantic Web, or Web 3.0 if you want, will probably not be simply a semantically pimped-up Web 2.0 but will put all the Web on a new level (just think about search technologies). As far as I have understood the concept of the Semantic Web (which might not be very profound, I admit) it will be much more structural and technology-based, though technology might not be as visible as in Web 2.0.