Weekly callout of PR campaigns, “Touchdowns and Fumbles”

Readers of PR Conversations (particularly those involved in media relations or media coaching) might find the weekly e-newsletter, Touchdowns and Fumbles, produced by Veritas Communications to be just the ticket for a Friday half-time break. Its game is to provide a brief analysis of select news stories from a PR perspective. As indicated in last week’s issue (July 6th), “…we only comment on the communications play, not on the substance of the issue.”

Thoughts from Geneva and from Bled: “Business will change the world because it can and it must”

There I was in Bled taking part in a wonderful conference on “Environmental Citizenship Through Communication: Trends, Challenges and Solutions” when I received an extraordinary e-mail from John Plauszek (Ambassador at Large for the Global Alliance) who was taking part in the “2007 United Nations Global Compact Leaders Summit: Facing Realities; Getting Down to business”, described by organizers as “history’s largest and most significant event on the toic of leadership and corporate citizenship”.

The Ugly Side of Eastern European PR. I Wish it Were a Joke

Here is an ad that a Ukrainian firm mails to prospective clients. It’s self-explanatory, really. *** SmartManager company offers: 1. Placing PR-materials in the elite pool of publications that usually decline to publish paid-for materials without marking them as advertising. 2. Placing stories in Ukrainian media (television, Internet, press, radio) on the most attractive terms. 3. Producing high quality PR texts effectively forming the public opinion without being identified as paid-for. We write with a...